ABE Site Italy at the Open Day of Istituto Superiore Pitagora in Pozzuoli (NA)
16 Jul 2019

Here is the press review of the ABE event at the Open Day of Istituto Superiore Pitagora in Pozzuoli (for further information: http://abe.anisn.it/en/whatis/news/#5)!
The report from Italian State television (RAI) is available here: https://www.rainews.it/tgr/campania/notiziari/video/2019/06/ContentItem-0c54cd88-93a0-49f6-b3b5-5879d58a883a.html starting from 17’ 58’’, while the following link contains a summary of the media coverage of the event: ABE Event June 2019 Media Coverage