Project "Let's be a scientist!"

Project "Let's be a scientist!"
The project "Let's Be a Scientist!", organised by ABE Italy together with TIGEM (Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine) and the Scuola Superiore Meridionale (SSM), allows the best students from ABE Italy schools to put on a lab coat and have a first-hand experience of the research world. Students are selected through a knowledge- and competence-based test on Biology and Chemistry topics, and they are followed in this experience by a TIGEM researcher and by a bespoke ABE Italy team.

How to sign up for the internship at TIGEM - 2024 Edition
Each ABE school can propose ONE STUDENT from the fourth or fifth year who must be OVER 18 by July 7th 2024. The proposal should be sent to Gilda Nappo ( by midnight on April 20th 2024. The required information consists of: name, surname, date and place of birth, class and school, fiscal number, a scan of the student's ID or health card (needed to certify the student's age).
The proposed students will take part in an online knowledge and competence test on topics related to Biology, with a maximum duration of 50 minutes, which will take place on May 20th 2024. The best five to eight students will be selected for the residential internship at the TIGEM laboratories.
Videos produced by the students who took part in the 2023 edition of the project