Psychosocial Support and Experience Sharing Meeting was Held with ABE Teachers!
Psychosocial Support and Experience Sharing Meeting was Held with ABE Teachers!

A psychosocial support and experience sharing seminar was held within the scope of the ABE program in order to determine the impacts of the earthquake on teachers, students and classroom structures and to prevent the emerging psychological incompatibilities after the difficult days we had with the earthquake.
The seminar was held online on Monday, March 13 by Psychological Counselor, Gökçe Gizem Coşkun. It primarily focused on recognizing psychological help, establishing basic communication with students about disaster in classrooms, and improving teachers' well-being. The questions of "What is psychosocial first aid, what does it aim at? How should I treat students in my classroom or school who were directly affected by the earthquake or who were transferred from the earthquake area? How can we protect ourselves from the negative effects of the disaster? What can we do to increase students' ability to cope with possible disasters and emergencies in the future?" were among the focus of the seminar.