BE Türkiye Master Teacher Fellowship Program
2023-2024 ABE Türkiye Master Teacher Fellowship Program Applications Start!

ABE Türkiye Master Teacher Fellowship Program Introduction Meeting was held online on September 25, 2023. At the meeting, an introduction presentation on how to apply for the ABE Türkiye Master Teacher Fellowship Program in the 2023-2024 academic year was made to the teachers who participated in the Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE) Türkiye Program and carried out classroom implementations for at least 1 year. At the meeting attended by 17 ABE teachers; the requirements of the fellowship program, the types of projects expected to be developed within the scope of the scholarship program, the selection criteria for the program, the rubric to be used in the evaluation process, and the application form, reference letter form and support letter samples that must be filled out were shared. The meeting, which lasted approximately one hour and shared the program's schedule and communication channels, ended with a question-answer session.