ABE Phase II Trainings
We have completed the ABE Phase II Trainings!

We have completed our ABE Phase II trainings, which we held on 3, 7, 10 and 15 May 2023 with online and face-to-face sessions. In the trainings attended by 25 teachers, we focused on Recombinant DNA technology.
In the online session we held on May 3, 2023, we discussed the basic concepts of recombinant DNA technology. Gene cloning, PCR, DNA replication, transcription, translation, gene transfer, plasmid, vector, conjugation, transformation, restriction, ligation and gene expression were among the concepts examined.
Our face-to-face session at the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the Middle East Technical University on May 7, 2023 started with the discussion of the "Invisible Accident Scenario in Recombinant DNA Research". Then, in order to solve the problem in the scenario, our participating teachers performed restriction, restriction verification and transformation laboratories.
In the online session we held on May 10, 2023, we discussed the transformation results in small and large groups with our participating teachers. The session, in which all expected and unexpected results were discussed, was concluded by giving information about the teaching processes of recombinant DNA technology after the laboratory results were associated with the scenario.
The last online session we held on May 15, 2023 focused on the areas of use of recombinant DNA technology. The session, which included sharing about energy applications, production of therapeutic products, genetically modified organisms, diagnosis and treatment, ended with questions and answers.