ABE Tampa Team
Program Site Director, ABE Tampa

Luanna Prevost, Ph.D.
Dr. Luanna Prevost is an Associate Professor in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of South Florida. Her research focuses on STEM undergraduate assessment and faculty and graduate student professional development. She is also interested in how student-centered programs can be designed to support underrepresented undergraduates in ecology.
Site Coordinator and Lab Tech

Carolina Sarmiento
Carolina Sarmiento is a microbial ecologist from Colombia, interested in studying plant-microbial interactions in tropical trees, focusing on seed-infecting fungi. Carolina joined the ABE Tampa team as a Laboratory Technician in March 2020 and now is also the ABE Tampa Site Coordinator. She loves being able to spread knowledge through the ABE program and believes that science education can be used as a tool for changing the world.
Doctoral Student in Integrative Biology

Tiffany Shemwell
Tiffany Shemwell is a doctoral student studying in the Integrative Biology department at USF. She has been a part of the ABE-Tampa team since 2019 and has loved being a part of this program.

Krishna Kothiya
Krishna Kothiya is an undergraduate Biomedical Sciences student at the University of South Florida. She is studying in the medical field with hopes of being a future surgeon. She is excited to be a part of the ABE-Tampa team.

Angelina Touch
Angelina Touch is a Biomedical Sciences undergraduate student at the University of South Florida. She's an aspiring medical laboratory scientist and finds all sorts of laboratory work interesting. She hopes to get involved in research in the future, but in the meantime, she enjoys digital art as a hobby and studying with her friends.