About ABE Massachusetts
The ABE Massachusetts Program is supported through the efforts of our amazing community of scientists (of all ages), our science educators, ABE program staff, and our coordinator and technicians at our several different distribution sites, including Northeastern University's Biopharmaceutical Analysis and Training Laboratory (BATL), Marine Biological Laboratory, and Springfield Technical Community College.
Since 2011, the ABE Massachusetts (ABE MA) program site has established itself as a leader in enhancing high school biotechnology education by offering opportunities for high school teachers and students to gain valuable experience with biotechnology laboratory protocols, generating familiarity with a variety of important molecular biology and biotechnology techniques.
ABE MA maintains its signature three-tiered approach of "full kit,” "partial kit" and “reagent” partners and professional development opportunities for new and returning teachers, with a continued emphasis on fostering community and ensuring a high level of comfort with the laboratory procedures and equipment. Professional development includes expanded opportunities for teacher collaborative sessions exploring ABE inquiry-based activities and integration of LabXchange into the ABE experience.