Previous Events
On June 18 and 21, the junior students from Paulo Egydio de Oliveira Carvalho Senador State School visited the university to participate in the Amgen Biotech Experience student training program.
The content taught included instructions on the use and care of micropipettes, where students learned the importance of precision in handling this equipment through engaging activities conducted on Elisa plates, agarose gel, and laminated paper. Additionally, the concept of electrophoresis was explained, along with its practical applications and the significance of this technique for biotechnology. The students also had the opportunity to perform electrophoresis in practice and, at the end of the event, observe the results of their sample "race" in the electrophoresis tank.
It was two mornings of great fun, learning, and snacks!
We thank all the students for their presence and sincerely appreciate the kind notes left at the end. We hope to see you exploring science even more in the future. Keep dreaming big!
Students from Paulo Egydio de Oliveira Carvalho Senador State School training their pipetting techniques
On June 13 and 20, we welcomed teachers from PEI Ordânia Janone Crespo and a teacher from Colégio Batista Brasileiro to Mackenzie for the Amgen Biotech Experience program.
Combining a delightful and fun experience with a lot of didactic content, this training was extremely praised and appreciated by the teachers. They had the opportunity to learn and review laboratory basics, as well as to handle laboratory equipment they had never seen before. The content was divided into two parts: on the first day, the teachers were introduced to micropipettes and electrophoresis, and they prepared agarose gels. On the second day, after a warm visit to the Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie campus, the teachers practiced the pipetting techniques learned on the first day, performed electrophoresis, and participated in an activity to explore plasmids and their diverse and infinite functions in the health field.
These were days filled with conversation, exchange of experiences, learning, and fun!
We sincerely thank everyone for their presence and look forward to seeing you again soon!
PEI Ordânia Janone Crespo and Colégio Batista Brasileiro teachers
On May 2nd and 3rd, junior and senior highschool students from Brasílio Machado State School in São Paulo visited Mackenzie Presbiterian University's Higienópolis campus, received a visit from professionals from Amgen Brazil, and participated in the module 1 training of Amgen Biotech Experience's program.
During their stay on campus, which lasted from 9AM to 3PM, the students had the chance to take a brief tour of the most important buildings on campus and learn a bit about the university's history.
During the visit from Amgen Brazil's professionals, the students had the opportunity to talk to the representatives and learn more about the company that sponsors the ABE project. They were able to ask questions, gain a better understanding of the different positions within the company, and learn more about the pharmaceutical industry, as well as explore the various job opportunities this sector offers.
They also experienced the complete training of module 1 of the ABE program, doing micropipette experiments, learning to handle these equipments with excellence, preparing the gel for electrophoresis, and later running the electrophoresis and observing the results.
The two-day event was filled with enriching experiences, enjoyment, and significant learning for all participants. This visit marks the official commencement of ABE Brazil's student activities, introducing the first biotechnology experience organized for high school students and starting off a cycle of great success and new experiences.
Students listening to an explanation on how to use the micropipette
With the goal of creating an interdisciplinary project on biotechnology in their school, Alexandre Lima (History teacher), Aparecido de Souza (Math teacher), Cícero Filho (Sociology teacher), Fernanda Duarte (P.E. teacher), and Francisco Cabral (Chemistry teacher) from the Brasílio Machado State School in São Paulo visited Mackenzie University to learn more about the Amgen Biotech Experience Program.
Some of the teachers had never been in a laboratory environment, which made the whole experience very exciting for them. They all showed big interests in learning how to work with a micropipette and prepare a gel electrophoresis and, also, to understand the biotechnology concepts that were introduced during this professional development event.

Cícero Filho pipetting into a well
Francisco is a chemistry teacher at the Brasilio Machado State School, located in São Paulo. He accepted our invitation to visit Mackenzie University and learn about the Amgen Biotech Experience Program and loved the experience, learning how to work with micropipettes and perform gel electrophoresis.
He kindly invited other teachers at his school to participate in a continuing education event so that we could support them in creating an interdisciplinary project on biotechnology.